Decision Making under Stress project

The aim of this project to better train fisrt responders (e.g. firefighters) in decision making in stressful situations through a serious game solution.

In this project, The game was designed based on the Stress Exposure Training (SET) approach and in accordance with typical stressors identified in the literature. Those were then mapped to relevant game mechanics. The results demonstrate the potential of serious games to assist towards training of firefighters to make better decisions under stressful situations. Our findings are of wider importance as they contribute to ongoing efforts to improve decision making under stress in a variety of settings and scenarios. The resulting game is available as a web-based game below.

  • A selection of publications on this project are available here.
  • The game, eXtricate, is available here.
eXtricate: A serious game to train First-responders on decision-making in stressful situations

eXtricate: the game

The game, developed in Unity, is available upon request. You can play online on a WebGL enabled browsers, or download the WebGL build for local use.

A Framework and Serious Game for Decision Making under Stress; Fire Evacuation

Daylamani-Zad, D., Spyridonis, F. and Al-Khafaaji, K., 2022. A framework and serious game for decision making in stressful situations; a fire evacuation scenario. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 162, p.102790.